Oconomowoc Volleyball Club
"Building a Future of Volleyball Excellence"
Tryout Information
We are using only online Registration for tryouts again this year, below is the link to register. You will need to bring your Tryout Form, Medical Release form, and Badger Region Membership number. If you had a full membership last year, you can bring the number, if you need to purchase one, we encourage players to choose a $10 Tryout membership and upgrade once they make a team
-How to obtain a Tryout Membership Card
*At the door registration will be $30
(Online registration will close at noon on July 22.. No refunds will be issued)
10 & Under :
Mon. July 22 @ OHS 6:30-8:30pm
11 & Under :
Mon. July 22 @ OHS 6:30-8:30pm
12 & Under :
Mon. July 22 @ OHS 6:30-8:30pm
13 & Under :
Wed. July 24 @ OHS 6:30-8:30pm
14 & Under :
Wed. July 22 @ OHS 6:30-8:30pm
Tues. July 30th @ OHS 5-6pm
(The tryout dates are the most important dates to show up for as most offers will be extended those days. This makeup date is only an hour to assess skills and compare to what we already saw )
Once you have received an offer to be a part of the club, you have a timeline in which you need to answer by. Above is a link to the dates that you need to respond with a yes or no. Once these dates have passed, your offer is no longer valid and can be given away. If you do decide to accept the offer, you need to let the coach know, then go into webpoint right away and change your club status, only then is the offer officially accepted.